Ritta Shine

Ritta Shine

SBN Global Coordinator

Christina Nyhus

Christina Nyhus

GAIN Knowledge Leadership

Yetunde Olarewaju

Yetunde Olarewaju

GAIN Planning & Communications Associate

Margaret Ngetha

Margaret Ngetha

SBN Africa Regional Manager

Ruth Munyinyi

Ruth Munyinyi

SBN Global Partnerships Associate

Tomisin Odunmbaku

Tomisin Odunmbaku

SBN Nigeria National Coordinator

Osemudiamen Enaholo

Osemudiamen Enaholo

SBN Nigeria Programme Associate

Sub-regional Leads



















Ritta is based out of GAIN’s UK Office and serves as the SBN Global Co-coordinator. This role builds on 14 years of development finance experience working in research and investment advisory roles focused on private sector development, primarily in the infrastructure, energy and agricultural sectors. Underpinning her professional experience is a Masters in Development Finance from the University of Cape Town.

Christina serves as SBN’s MEL focal point and provides technical support on a wide range of topics including work force nutrition.

Yetunde will provide part time support to the SBN Global Secretariate, focused on developing and implementing communications and advocacy strategies that aim to increase the standing and awareness of SBN activities with a broad range of global/national stakeholders including government, private sector, media, and civil society organizations.

Margaret, an Entrepreneurship expert with over 12 years of experience in Development Agencies, specializes in Private Sector Development. She provides technical support for investment readiness, enterprise management, product development, market analysis, and strategies. Margaret has been involved in blended financing mechanisms to stimulate private sector investment, particularly in promoting agri-business growth. Her commitment extends to youth development through Entrepreneurship training and mentorship.

Margaret’s fervor lies in fostering a positive attitude and instigating change among women and youth in their business endeavors and employment. She excels in brokering regional partnerships and alliances to facilitate the connection of SMEs with technical assistance and finance providers. Furthermore, she leads the development and dissemination of guidance tools aimed at mainstreaming gender and youth in SME development.

Ruth has over 5 years of experience in strategic partnerships in the private and public sectors. She is passionate about leveraging relationships that are catalytic in creating systemic change. She brings in a wealth of knowledge in social impact especially in school feeding and public policy, most recently being part of the technical working group drafting the first national school meals policy in Kenya. A sustainable development enthusiast, Ruth believes in the fundamental role nutrition plays in driving development and prosperity. She is currently leading partner relations in the SBN Global Secretariat.

Tomisin Odunmbaku is a seasoned Statistician and International Development professional with expertise in nutrition integration programming, business strategy development, and private sector influencing. With a proven track record of driving impactful initiatives, Tomisin has successfully collaborated with over 300 Agri-businesses, as well as public and private sector partners across Nigeria. He combines his statistical acumen with strategic leadership to advance sustainable solutions to social issues, with a particular focus on addressing malnutrition.

Osemudiame supports the implementation of SBN’s activities including partnerships management and database management. She manages communication and provision of timely project information with the over 300 SBN member businesses ranging from planning meetings, attendance at meetings, and responding to their emails and WhatsApp interactions, while working closely with the SBN Coordinator. 

Adanne Uche has a bachelor’s degrees in foreign languages and literature. She is a healthy food advocate ensuring food safety for all. Named top 50 MSME Founder. In her bid to ensure sustainability, she is appointed a technical committee member of the Nigerian National Plastic Action Partnership by the federal Ministry of Environment.

Amajuoyi Ikechukwu Kingsley is a graduate of Environmental chemistry with a decade of experience in business development and social entrepreneurship. 

He is the founder of KR Foods Palm Oil, an indigenous palm oil brand that aims to address the menace of palm oil adulteration in Nigeria’s unregulated mass markets.

He also initiated a “cluster-milling program,” an initiative that has supported 30 women with access to improved palm oil processing infrastructure and wholesale markets to enhance yields and income by up to 25%.

He has served as an M&E officer for a GAIN-sponsored program for farmers in VAM and VAC value chains in Imo State.

Blessing Akpan is the South-South Region Deputy -Hub lead of SBN, she holds a degree in Business Management, specialized certificate in: Design -Driven Enterprise, Leadership, project management, Food processing, Tony Elumelu Foundation Business Management and Lagos Business School.

She has expertise in business analysis, capacity building training, modular food processing facility setup, food waste/loss management, nutritious food and zero hunger advocacy

She is Akwaibom state chairperson for Nigerian Youth Chamber of Commerce (NYCC), Executive Secretary of Uyo Business School, have carried out projects with International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and is the Founder of Inyene Agro Processing Factory Ltd. 

I am Bosun Solarin, Deputy Hub Lead, South West.

A retired Civil Servant, now an Entrepreneur  and Agro Processor of Herbal Blend Teas, Spices Herbs and Flour.

A passionate Advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves.

One with great passion for Excellence, Morals and Ethical practices. Trainer, Administrator and Coordinator of activities with attention to details and efficiency in delivery processes.

Mr. Buduzhi Gift Oguzor has expertise in public health nutrition, programming, project management, advocacy, research, agribusiness, agro-processing and innovation. Nutrition Champion and award winner by BNFB Project and has been part of implementation of high impact nutrition interventions with both government and donor funded programmes in Nigeria. He has used his wealth of professional experience to deepen the use of biofortified foods through product development and in management of malnutrition especially in children and adult in Nigeria. He is the Team Leader of Asa-Uwe Okporowo Ekpeye Farmers’ Co-operative Investment and Credit Society Limited (ASOEK-F-CICS) and CEO BUWA World Life Consult producers of Budu Foods located in Port Harcourt. He is also currently the State Nutrition Officer Rivers State Primary Health Care Management Board. He is a member of Nutrition Society of Nigeria and National Association of Community Health Practitioners of Nigeria.

Chinenye Duru has a professional background in Food science and Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, a nutritionist by profession with focus on nutrition Consultancy and Nutrition Technology, she has been involved in several health and nutrition projects with non-governmental bodies. Following her contribution in areas of health and nutrition, she has published  several Academic papers in Nutrition and Health and she’s a professional member of Nutrition Society of Nigeria, The Nutrition Society United Kingdom and  Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology (Chartered). She enjoys traveling, playing chess and scrabble.

Eneotse Isosie Unoogwu is a Social Entrepreneur and CEO of FarmBiz Enterprises, Alltimefresh LTD and FARMTRADE Enterprises companies she founded that are creating change, innovations, mechanized approaches and business processes that maximizes agricultural output, value addition, nutrition dense commodities and promoting robust value chains especially in the fresh produce sector in Nigeria.
A Business Administration Graduate from SMC University Switzerland also holds a Diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurial finance from Kaduna Business School Nigeria. She has skills and certifications in Project management, Social Entrepreneurship, Business Planning 101, Finance for Non-Professionals, Designing Impact, Scaling Impact, Financing Impact, Business Model Generation, Strategic Management and formulation Fundamentals of Management, Essentials of Entrepreneurship, Brand Management and Launching Startups, Supply chain Management, and Cross Border Trade amongst other certifications.
Her company has Initiatives, that is evolving Agriculture from subsistence to viable businesses by Promoting Sustainable agriculture in Nigeria.
Her work is mostly in the in the tomato value chain working with the Tomato FADAMA FARMERS Cooperatives in Kaduna state. Her company FARMBIZ provides farmer education. ensuring best
practices for better yields, and creating access to markets allowing premium earnings for small holder farmers.
The company’s business model is inclusive providing having the smallholder farmers and small traders mostly women as part of the company’s value chain.
She is the recipient of the 2018 Agribusiness Award from the WOMEN IN AFRICA, Platform, A GAIA Fellow, under the African Women in Agriculture and Research Development AWARD and a mentor on the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Platform. She is also an Acumen Fellow.

Grace Hadiza Benjamin-Joshua

Regional Hub 


North Central

CEO Dizauregi services Limited 

Business location ; jos, plateau state . 

Food processing &packaging , 

With certifications in health & wellness, Natural medicine, Nutrition and certified business consultant. 

Mr. Muhammad Adamu is a founder and Chairman Guarantee Impex Global Services Ltd and Chairman Nakhaka Environment Nig. Ltd, Vice Chairman Royal Orchid Ltd, Executive Director Supreme Global Investment Ltd, Executive Director A.A Miga Global Resources Ltd, President Guarantee Global Communications Services and Chief Executive Officer Fresh Vegetables Daily amongst other Enterprises. Muhammad is a season Entrepreneur who has over 17 years of private sector experience and participates in nurturing various ventures from different sector of the economy.

Muhammad is a fellow Institute of Management Consultant, Certified International Management Consultant, Member African Institute of Strategic Managers, Certified Small Business Planner and Promoter, Certified Business Development Services Provider. Muhammad is a fellow Jim Leech Queens University, Canada and graduate of Alibaba Global Initiative.

Muhammad A. M. holds Masters Business Administration from Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Master’s in Banking and Finance from Bayero University, Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance from the same  University, he also Obtained HND in Business Administration and Management from Kano State Polytechnic. Muhammad attended National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) India, and also attended various national and international courses.

Muhammad served as National Coordinator NACCIMA Youth Entrepreneurs Muhammad is a reputable business analyst and investment and financial Consultant. Muhammad is a founder & Initiator of KACCIMA Youth and Entrepreneurship Development Initiative, (KAYEDI) and member of various Civil Society Organizations. Muhammad serves in various capacities at State and National level while he contributes immensely in the growth and Development of National economy.

Mr. Muhammad is a co-founder Blue Ocean Health and Development Relief Imitative (BOHDRI)

Muhammad served as Kano State Coordinator NACCIMA Youth Entrepreneurs and he champion the Youth Entrepreneurship development in the State

Ngozi Sarah Rowland-Onuegwunwoke the deputy hub lead North central, is an MBA graduate, with a first degree in Agricultural Economics, a certified Risk Manager, a public speaker, trainer and a business coach.

She is the CEO of Safi Event Managers, an event management and catering outfit based in Abuja, and also the CEO of SEM Foods and Spices, a healthy food processing company.

She is the convener and founder Brandpreneur mentorship foundation aka Business minds,  a foundation that brings entrepreneurs and intending entrepreneurs together to network, collaborate, create synergy and enhance visibility for their businesses. BMF has been able to assist several youth create business ideas, and support them through capacity building programs, skills acquisition, internship, mentorship, and financial empowerment