SBN core focus areas are:

sun business network nigeria
sbn nigeria


Our work is focused at national level across 60+ SUN Countries and undertaken by specialist dedicated coordinators, sometimes assisted by small teams, operating in 18/27 countries. These coordinators have a solid private sector background and understanding of the nutrition and are supported by regional SBN focal points and SBN Global Secretariat.

SBN’s distinct role at national level, is to work to empower SMEs, food entrepreneurs, and other national businesses to be more successful and to make a bigger contribution to nutrition priorities and national food systems development. As part of this work, national SBN teams work with government to strengthen nutrition plans and related policies for engaging the private sector in nutrition. National networks also organise access to practical business solutions (including technical assistance, finance, business development support and technology), often through local providers, to improve businesses’ overall strength and readiness to enhance business practices for nutrition.