SUN Business Network Nigeria
SUN Business Network Nigeria
SUN Business Network Nigeria

Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Business Network (SBN)

The Federal Republic of Nigeria joined the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in November 2011, following a letter of commitment from Prof. C.O. Onyebuchi Chukwu, the country’s health minister at the time. The SUN Business Network (SBN) in Nigeria was formalised five years later in 2016, after which a coordinator was appointed to liaise with the government on matters of private sector and nutrition. With over 380 members and counting, SBN Nigeria is consistently expanding its reach, increasingly working at the subnational level. In Nigeria, the SUN Business Network (SBN) is convened by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). The SUN Business Network in Nigeria was launched on 21st April, 2016 at a convening of Businesses, NGOs, UN Agencies, Donors and Government. In a Call to Action at the launch event, the Strategy for SBN was laid out with the Purpose, Vision, Target Areas and Core Objectives clearly identified (after wide consultation) to engage businesses in nutrition. SBN is also working with the Government of Nigeria to chart entry points for businesses to contribute to a reduction in malnutrition, in line with Nigeria’s National Food and Nutrition Policy.

The work of SBN Nigeria is focused around five main areas:

In working towards these, the network engages in a variety of activities. To support an enabling environment for nutrition-focused companies, especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), SBN Nigeria facilitates and promotes-